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Listen To Your Body- Don't Shout At It!

100 golden advice from Jackson Brown's book to his son when entering the university.

1- Before she got married to one of them, he got engaged to her for at least six months!
2- Shook hands forcefully
3- If you entered a fight, be the first to be hit and hit hard
4- Surprise your loved one with an unexpected gift
5- When you get stuck in a traffic jam ... let the cars in front of you walk a little and then you are secret
6- Stay away from smoking
7- Do not encourage anyone to become a lawyer
8- Choose your wife carefully 0000 because she is responsible for 90% of your happiness or unhappiness
9 - Learn how to write on the computer quickly
10 - Do not expect people to heed your advice that you do not follow in the first place
11- Respect the privacy of your children 00 and knock on the door before entering your room
12-Don't buy cheap tools
13-Accept your children as they are and not as you want them to be
14 - When you play with your children, let them win
15- One day when you exit the parking garage, pay the fees for your car as a good sign
16- Don't put the time in answering your critics
17 - Do not trust any politician
18 - Be your wife's best friend
19 - Never quit your job before you believe in someone else
20 - When a car is borrowed from a friend, fill up the fuel tank before recovering it
21- Do not let the phone interrupt the critical moments of your life. 00 The phone was found for your convenience.
22- Do not go to the supermarket and you are hungry because you will buy too much
23- Do not advise anyone when it comes to love, first work, or how to dress
24- Do not pay anyone his wages before he is done
26- Don't discuss your financial affairs with someone who owns more than you 00 or much less than you
27- Beware before lending money to your friends, you might lose the two!
28- Don't be wondering about the value of your monthly salary
29- Once your car's fuel indicator reaches the quarter, start filling it
30- Don't underestimate the lack of time. 00 Your day is the same as Pasteur, Michelangelo and Mother Teresa.
31- When you want to buy a home, remember 3 important things: the site, the site, the site
32- Leave beside your bed a pencil and a white sheet of 00, as some golden thoughts touch your mind at three in the morning
33- When you find a job that is suitable for your ambitions and dreams, accept it no matter what the salary is 00. If you do what is necessary, the salary you want will come later
34- Go to a professional photographer and take a photo of you and repeat the ball every 3 years
35- I agree to a sign between you and your wife that indicates that you love her 00 and do it in family meetings without anyone noticing you
36- Never rush when you drive a car and your children inside
37- Do not detract bad jokes in the presence of females
38- Don't be shy about laughing out loud or singing with joy
39- Always try clothes that you intend to wear at home before purchasing them
40- Don't Trust Your Memory, write everything down on paper
41- When you lend someone money, be sure to return someone without asking him for it
42- Let your punishment be appropriate to the act of your children
43- I carry a small pocket knife
44- Don't miss the opportunity to dance with your wife
45- Everyone loves praise .... do not skimp on anyone
46- Don't expect anyone to know what you want as a Christmas present unless you tell them to do so
47- Take care to look into the eyes of your speakers
48- Remember that the right price is not what is written on commodity 00, but what is appropriate for your budget
49- Remember the more you learn more than 100, the less your fear
50- Don't criticize your wife or children in front of others, no matter what happens
51- Don't overlook any wrongdoing by your children ... Understand your responsibility
52- In disputes 100, remember that when you lose your morals in speaking and arguing, you lose your rights as well
53- Don't apologize for your fierce defence of your principles, morals or the safety of your family
54- When you disagree with your wife, treat your current dispute 00 and do not open old files!
55- Spread your knowledge and teach the people around you what you have learned. 00 This is the only way to immortality
56- Once you have a car .... take a picture of it and keep it
57- When you are a guest in a restaurant, do not ask for anything more expensive than the request of your host!
58- Once you get your photos, write the names of the people who appear on them
59- Do not disclose your personal or financial information unless it is necessary to do so
60- A person's wealth is not limited to what a hundred years, but to what his wife wears
61- Every year, you go to a place you haven't been to before
62- Don't ask if you need a haircut or not!
63-On exams, answer the easy questions first
64- Buy a Small Camera 00 and take it with you everywhere
65- Don't sleep before you decide 3 things you want to do tomorrow
66- Sometimes, you have to do more than you need to get later more than you deserve!
67- Don't let anyone downplay you
68- At the beginning of each school year I take a picture of your children
69- When you hear a compliment from a friend you know, tell him about it
70- Don't hesitate to do what you think is correct
71- Do not allow your children or grandchildren to call you by your first name!
72- Tell your wife how wonderful she looks every day
73- Do not delay your sleep if you take care of your day
74- Don't criticize your wife in front of your children, whatever happens
75- To embarrass someone who offended you, do an excellent job with his children
76- Write the quotes you love 00 and put them anywhere you can see all the time
77- Spoil your wife 00, but do not spoil your children
78- Always keep your passport valid
79- Know your children's teachers
80- Marry who is your social and economic level or who is
Just below you
81- Remembering your success tomorrow depends on your business today
82- Don't write anything that you wouldn't want anyone else to read 00 even in your notes
83- If I borrow something more than twice 00, buy it!
84- Whatever differences exist between you and your wife, you will not sleep except near her
85- Do not marry a woman in the hope that she will change later.
86- Stand when someone older than you enter a room where you are
87- Lifetime rest later, you need a little bit of fatigue right away
88- Once you like someone I tell him, sometimes we can only do it once
89- When you enter a room or a meeting, enter as if you own the place.
90- When everyone is silent and shy, get up and express your opinion
91- Laugh out loud
92- Remember fools is to ask you a question and don't ask it.
93- I walk half an hour daily
94- Learn to wear a tie
95- Let your watch be five minutes early for real
96- Be natural and stay away from being artificial
97- Learn to refuse, but not get used to it
98- Let the debate arise for you
99- Leave a good impact wherever you go
100- Judge your neighbours for their behaviour among themselves

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