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Listen To Your Body- Don't Shout At It!

Natural Harmony - Connect with Nature to extend Your Wellbeing

When I visit large city parks, I'm amused and heartened by the
seeming unconscious human need to connect with Mother Nature. In
the very heart of urban civilization, city parks attract thousands of
people each day. I board a strong rural setting,

always surrounded by nature's glory and challenges. I smile
inwardly, listening to the array of foreign languages spoken around me
in the park. I watch worldwide visitors to a superb metropolis seeking
sanctuary in an exceeding patch of domesticated wilderness. Humans need to
connect with nature, whether or not just slightly of it. Research now supports what
our instincts 'know': contact with flora and fauna is significant to our

Though most people value nature, few folks enjoy a deep
connection with it. This is often unfortunate because it's through this connection
that we both receive and release. We get a limitless source of
energy and inspiration, which we release worry, stress, and strain. 
Playing outside, in any form, could also be a well known reasonably 'therapy' to look out
balance and to rejuvenate. The "Great Mother" soothes the spirit,
sharpens the senses, and focuses on thinking. The natural environment
helps us recognize our oneness with the life process. Taking us beyond
our limited and linear view of life, nature celebrates growth and
perpetual renewal.

This celebratory quality is at once, inspiring, and energizing. Spending
time in nature, especially when exercising during away, makes the body
feel awake and alive. Physical centering leads to mental
centering and increased clarity. A neighborhood of mental centering is coming
powerfully into the present moment. After spending time in nature, the
actual moment, the present, re-establishes itself, kind of a transparent, melodic
chime being struck. The long-run and thus, the last stop is crowding in. This
easy, meditative state is profoundly relaxing and allows stress to dissipate effortlessly.

There are endless ways to connect and recharge with Mother Nature.
Hiking and canoeing are two classic choices. Their quiet rhythmic
qualities are especially soothing. They require sharpening of the
senses and thus the sensibilities. You learn to raised use your ears, eyes,
sense of smell, and balance. Even the most inexperienced ties to flora and fauna
can boost your health. Observe an aquarium, take a glance at landscape
photography, or visit a garden. Connect with nature, connect more
deeply with yourself, and build energy and harmony. When we
become more mindful and present, we essentially become more alive.

"When you recognize nature as a neighborhood of yourself,

You will act harmonically.

When you feel yourself a part of nature,

You will board harmony."

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